This post is dedicated to all my friends who at some point of time, because of reason(s) best known to them and incomprehensible to others, decided to take up graduate studies. For those who are considering jumping on the bandwagon, you're most welcome as there is always place for more.
This clock is generally used by poor souls who thought they were extremely wise to take up coursework option but soon realized it was not the case.
This one is for the highly intellectual class who thought doing research would be super awesome and they could do it their entire lives. It is called as the "limbo clock" found in offices/labs of most grad students. They usually don't have one at homes mainly because they are never there.

Any one interested in purchasing one of these should contact any person standing outside some university wearing a black gown, cap and holding a roll of paper often assumed to be a diploma (Let me tell you it is NOT. It is barely a release order forged by someone who was fed up of seeing that person every single day of his/her life. Too bad he/she did not think of getting one for himself/herself. OR may be he/she did?)
Ha ha ha ha! Why's there not 'Write funny posts' time on the clock?
I use my "study" and "work on assignments time" to make funny pictures :-P
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