
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Grad School Dictionary and Thesaurus

After prolonged contemplation, I decided that I would much rather spend my time studying grad school instead of studying the stuff they teach. As a consequence, I have decided to compile a list of commonly used words/phrases with their meanings to help outsiders comprehend the life of a grad student.

All those who have had profound insights akin to mine are strongly encouraged to share their list or refine existing list. Just add your update/insert (for lack of funnier words) in the comment.

Here is a sneak peek of what I have compiled so far. Keep checking the post for more ...


Grant proposal : Stuff you write to get some money to do stuff for "The Man" so that can graduate and earn money in future.

On-campus job : Stuff you do to earn money to do stuff to graduate so that you can earn money in future.

The Man : The person who was formerly a graduate student's ideal but now haunts him/her in his/her nightmares, provided he/she gets to sleep.

Thesis : Stuff you write so that The Man can have his moment of leisure while watching you get pummeled by The Man's clique.


Assignment  :  
Synonyms : Ctrl-C+Ctrl-V, Google, Gibberish 
Antonyms : Write correct and well-thought solutions

Study :  
Synonyms : Comics, Facebook, Gmail, Hotmail, Internet, PS3, Staring into empty space, Twitter, XBox, Yahoo
Antonyms : Read reference material

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