
Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Only Constant is Change

This post may be a wee bit abstract, but it isn’t philosophical. Anyone expecting a profound discussion will be disappointed. It may also seem rather long but it is merely a conglomerate of short posts with one central theme i.e. ‘Change’.

1. Change of residence: This serves as an excuse note for not having fulfilled my promise to write regularly. Two reasons – 1. My laziness (No elaboration required) 2. My move (Some elaboration required)

Reason for the move – Irrelevant

Date of the move – Also irrelevant (Nevertheless, It was 31st Oct. Trick or Treating day/night)
Place we moved to - Toronto or so I tell people unfamiliar with cities in Ontario (Canada). For those who are acquainted, the name is North York. Quite a charming place it is. One can see a lot of parks and parkettes around.

[Etymology: ‘Parkette’ – origin Canadian – meaning A very small park with benches and play facilities for kiddies – usage People think I am being super creative when I mention the word Parkette.]

Total time spent – More than three weeks.

Overall experience – Summarized in form of an unsophisticated poem:

Friday, October 10, 2008

And here I go .........

Never had I imagined that one day I would do it, but here I am creating my very first web-blog. I was always a bit skeptical about my capabilities as an amateur writer. Due to which I never tried my hand at blogging, despite the encouragement extended by friends, who, I must mention, are highly competent writers. I was certain that the only scripts I could ever make public were those written in MATLAB or C++. Call it some kind of complex; call it a fear of rejection. The fact is I had no faith in myself. This changed, however. Recently, I was completely disillusioned. All my fears shattered. The credit, for this turn of events, goes to a handful of offbeat testimonials I wrote a couple of days back, which were praised by everyone who read them. This appreciation was what boosted me to take a plunge into the world of blogging.