
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Random Thought # 2

Why do movies often show young couples "in love" kiss first thing in the morning without brushing their teeth? Am I to assume that when someone is "in love" bad breath does not inflict significant damange it would otherwise? Or good practices of oral hygiene become totally irrelevant in life?

So when they show old married couples brushing their teeth standing side by side, is it that they are no longer "in love" or did bad breath finally win the challenge making them realize the importance of brushing and flossing?

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Random Thought # 1

Long weekends with a Monday are way more awesome than ones with a Friday. Three reasons :

1) After doing whatever it is you do over the usual weekend, you get a day to rest or do more of whatever it is you do on weekends.

2) No Monday Blues.

3) For people with Tuesday blues, if such a thing exists, next weekend is just four days away.

Women ≠ evil

This post is an attempt to repudiate a certain misogynistic proposition being circulated for peer review and approval via electronic mail since dinosaur age (read: pre-social-networking-websites era). Cleverly disguised as a "mathematical proof", it tries to equate women with evil. For those who need a refresher, I have provided the so-called "proof" below. It is highly improbable that you haven't already seen it. However, if you are still using AOL as your primary email account, it is very likely that you haven't. Also, you were probably born two decades before dinosaur age. No offense meant.


The Proof:

Mr. Benjamin Franklin said
time = money … (1)
Few souls frustrated with their girlfriends/wives say
women = time x money … (2)
Substituting equation (1) in equation (2)
women = money x money
∴ women = money2
… (3)
Bible says (somewhere),
money = √evil 
money2 = evil … (4)
Using equations (3) and (4), we get
women = evil

However, here is the contradiction!


Grad School Dictionary and Thesaurus

After prolonged contemplation, I decided that I would much rather spend my time studying grad school instead of studying the stuff they teach. As a consequence, I have decided to compile a list of commonly used words/phrases with their meanings to help outsiders comprehend the life of a grad student.

All those who have had profound insights akin to mine are strongly encouraged to share their list or refine existing list. Just add your update/insert (for lack of funnier words) in the comment.

Here is a sneak peek of what I have compiled so far. Keep checking the post for more ...

Monday, March 26, 2012

Graduate School Clocks

This post is dedicated to all my friends who at some point of time, because of reason(s) best known to them and incomprehensible to others, decided to take up graduate studies. For those who are considering jumping on the bandwagon, you're most welcome as there is always place for more.
This clock is generally used by poor souls who thought they were extremely wise to take up coursework option but soon realized it was not the case.


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Problem I ∈ NPC

Problem I ∈ NPC (Non-Functional Pre-Frontal Cortex)

1) I ∈ NP (Not-Functioning Properly) : We can use this post as a "certificate" to verify that my brain is totally dysfunctional.

2) Next it can be proven that I ∈ NP(Non-Functional Pre-Frontal Lobe)-Hard because my brain seems to have shrunk to size of a peanut and peanut is hard.


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Inspiration ...

... to step out of the house for a walk after a stressful day
... to find beauty of colours/colors in dark times
... to revive a blog after several days of comatose (figuratively, not literally)
... to finally buy a digital SLR camera after prolonged contemplation